Finca La Pintada

Sophia e Isabel en una reunión bebiendo Cava de Finca la Pintada

A story of two friends

The concept of Cava Finca La Pintada was first conceived in 2013 in Almendralejo (Extremadura) by two exporter friends, Sophia and Isabel, as they were both developing their own companies at the same time that each of them was raising her own child.

Spanish Cava exports were increasing and international buyers were demanding more and more this product as a good option facing other more expensive sparkling wines of the world

Fruit of this need to offer their customers a good quality cava at a competitive price and with a refreshing image, Sophia and Isabel worked together to design and release their own brand Finca La Pintada, which saw the light in 2014.

This project led undoubtedly to the strengthening of their friendship, and it also favoured them to start many other projects together… and the story goes on!

viñedo de Almendralejo en blanco y negro

Our values

Above all, we believe in human relations, mutual respect and cooperation to reach a common benefit.

Finca La Pintada is not just a product, it is the way of understanding business of two women who manage, not without effort, to conciliate their professional and personal lives.

We work with local producers of our hometown, Almendralejo. We feel proud to live in the only City of Cava in Extremadura. We want to support wine culture in our region and a responsible drinking.

Our wish is our cavas to reach all kinds of public, with a fresh, casual image transmitting joy and good vibes to the people who drink them.

We work with suppliers who support equal opportunities for employment and respect to the environment.

hombre vendimiando en un viñedo de Almendralejo
botellas de cava Finca La Pintada con hielo en una bañera

Our Products

Botella de cava Finca La Pintada Brut Nature, una exquisita botella de vino, Almendralejo (Extremadura).

Brut Nature

Botella de cava Finca La Pintada Brut Nature Rosado, muestra del arte enológico de Almendralejo, Extremadura.

Brut Nature Rosé

Botella de cava Finca La Pintada Brut, de Almendralejo, Extremadura: sabor y tradición.


Botella de cava Finca La Pintada Semiseco, el mejor vino de la cuna del cava, Almendralejo (Extremadura).


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